The Authentic Love Podcast

Why Strong Women Struggle To Find Lasting Love

Season 1 Episode 1

Why as a strong independent woman are you drawn to soft or avoidant men? Why do you struggle to make relationships last? And why can't you find lasting love with a man who will meet you on all levels? Dating and relationship expert Natalie Ford answers these questions and explores this topic with a refreshing honesty She also covers the steps you need to finally call in your forever love.

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[Intro music] Hello and welcome! I am Natalie Ford, founder and CEO of Enchanted Academy For Love. And you are listening to The Enchanted Love Podcast! I am here to help strong, independent women let down the defences that have caused them to reject, repel, and sabotage love, so that they can transform these and finally call in the Happy Ever After that they have been longing for. Please help me get this message out there by liking, subscribing and sharing our material. And I hope you enjoy this week's edition of The Enchanted Love Podcast. So, this is the very first episode of this podcast. We are looking at why single, independent women struggle to find lasting love. So, let's look at this right? Strong, independent women, you are successful. You are driven. You are powerful. You know what you want in life. You're very capable and you've overcome a lot of challenges and you've achieved a lot. So, you want a man who can meet you, right? You don't want a soft pushover. You don't want a people pleaser. You don't want a man who cannot stand up to you. You don't want a yes-man. You don't want somebody who can't tell you where it's at, and can't stand up to you, and can't meet you in your level of power. So, why do we end up going for those guys? Why do we end up in relationship with the guys who are too soft, the guys who are yes-people, the guys who are people pleasers who can't stand up to us? And why do we not end up getting and keeping the men that we really want? The conscious alpha males who are strong, powerful, driven, charismatic, successful, physically strong, who know what they want in life. They've got a strong personality. They've got a backbone. They can stand up to you. They will speak their opinion. They will not let us walk all over them. Ultimately, that's what it's about, ladies, right? We don't want a man who's gonna let us, a very powerful, full bodied woman, we do not want a man who is just going to lay down and let us walk all over them. We want a man who is going to tell us where it's at, right? A man who is gonna actually keep us in check a little bit. So, why can't we get those men? And why do we end up with the softies? That is what we are here to talk about today. So, what you can expect from this podcast is the relationship psychology behind why are we drawn to the softer men and why can we not make the alpha men stay? And the answer to this question ultimately lies in the law of polarity. I'm going to go into more detail about this. And I'm also going to talk about how energy works in relationships and why this matters. So, grab a cup of tea and settle in! So, I'm imagining that you are in a place in your life where you are ready to settle down, right? You have checked all the boxes. You've got the job, you've got the career, you've got the house, you've got the car, you've got the lifestyle, you've got the friends, you've got the holiday. You have got everything except the damn man. Right? So you are missing that one special person to spend the rest of your life with. Now I know that you are an exceptionally independent woman. I know that you don't need a man, but I also know that you want one, right? I know you can do life alone. I know you've done a lot of life alone, but I also know that's really exhausting. And you're tired and you want to rest, and you actually want somebody to journey with you for the rest of your life. One person who is going to stick with you through thick and thin, who is going to be your support system when you need support, who is going to champion you, who is going to love you, who's going to adore you, who is going to see all of your incredible qualities and also put up with all of your more human qualities, maybe the less perfect parts of you, and who is really in it for the long run, the long haul. You want a man who is going to show up in his power, who's going to love and adore you, who's going to speak his opinion, who is going to not be afraid of your fire and who is going to commit you whole heartedly fully, and be in it for the journey, right? But right now, that's not happening in your life. Right now, you're either getting the softies or you are able to attract those men but you can't keep them. You can't keep the alpha males. They stay with you for a period of time. If you're anything like me, I actually managed to have relationships with alpha males for anything up to 18 months to 2 years. But they always left. They always found a reason to leave. And the reason that they found to leave wasn't one specific thing. It wasn't one thing that they were like...'that one thing, I can't stand it, I need to leave.' No, it was an accumulation of things. It was accumulation of lots of little things, lots of subtle things that I didn't think were important. But they did. And I'm here to tell you today why those things are important, why they mattered and why it caused those men to leave my life. And ultimately, what I've done about it, so that I now have an exceptional alpha male who is by my side, committed for the long run. We're in this together. We're a team. We journey together. He sends shivers down my spine! So, let me start with this. The law of polarity is basically that everything has an equal and opposite effect. So where there is strength, there is weakness. Where there is light, there is shadow. Where there is love, there is hate. Where there is pain, there is also joy and glory. And this is most noticeably represented by the yin yang symbol the circle where you've got the two tadpoles, one's black, one's white, and they've got an eye of the opposite colour, so the black one has a white eye, and the white one has a black eye. So this is the yin and the yang or the feminine and the masculine energies. I just want to be clear that throughout all of my podcasts, I do tend to say feminine and masculine. I do not mean female and male. It is true that most men embody more masculine energy than feminine energy, but not all. And it is true that most women embody more feminine energy than masculine energy, but not all. And by masculine energy, I mean energy that is outward going, energy that is emitting. It has a direction. It has a purpose. It has a goal. It is the career driven part of you. It is the part of you that gets you up in the morning and whips your ass a little bit in the morning, drinks that cup of coffee and gets you out of the door. It's the part of you that puts structure and discipline into your life. It is also the part of you that likes to control, the part of you that likes to lead, the part of you that likes to dominate and take up space. The feminine energy or the yin energy is receptive energy. It's inwards coming energy. It's the void space within you which you can create which allows a vacuum of energy to come in. It is also emotion, and chaos, and creativity. It is the softer part of you. It is the vulnerable part of you. It is your emotions, your sadness, your softness, your tenderness. It is your love and your heart. It is your warm hug and your embrace. It is the part of you that when you do eventually allow yourself to slow down and relax, can just sit and be present in the here and now without doing anything. Masculine energy is doing. Feminine energy is being. We all have both. I want to be clear. No matter what gender you are, whether you were assigned female at birth, male at birth or whether you have subsequently changed your gender, or chosen to identify as non-binary, you have masculine and feminine energies, and we all have both to varying degrees. Men who are highly masculine have a lot of masculine energy, not so much feminine energy. Women who are highly feminine have the opposite. But the people I'm speaking to today - strong, independent women, we tend to be females with a lot of masculine energy, females who are career driven, who are goal oriented, who have a lot of discipline and structure and control in our life, who like to dominate, who like to lead, who are damn good at it. The reason why you're successful in your career is because you're a leader, is because you have these these masculine traits that really cause you to get places, really cause you to achieve goals, to meet your goals and to go for your dreams. This is all good. It's all good energy. Please know that if you have more energy of the pole that is opposite to your gender, a woman who has more masculine or a man who has more feminine, it does not make you wrong or bad. It's just your makeup. But please do not fall into the trap of believing that your identity and your energy and your makeup is fixed. It is not. Strong, independent women are typically stronger in the yang energy. Where our area of work is working on the feminine energy, the receptive energy, because the reason why we are so strong and powerful and fucking amazing is because we've been through a lot of shit in our life, right? We've been through a lot of difficult times. We've had to overcome a lot of hurdles. We've had to work really, really hard to get to where we are. It's made us strong, but it's also made us tough. You don't want to be always in one polarity because this is where the chemistry lies. In chemistry, in sexual chemistry, in relationship, chemistry, in lust, in love, in excitement, in what makes us tick as human beings, you need to have both polarities. There needs to be a strong pole of one in one person in the relationship and a strong pole of the other In the other person in the relationship. Many of us are very strong in one and weak in the other. But I choose a partner who complements me with the opposite. Or you can do the personal development work to become strong in both of them, and then you get to choose. So, why are strong independent women drawn to softer men? Perhaps you can already see the answer - polarity, right? If a woman is strong in her masculine energy, she is going to be drawn towards feminine men. Men who are stronger in their feminine will be attracted to the masculine in you because you have something they don't have. I'm going to generalise and talk about people who are stronger in one pole than the other throughout this podcast because, as I say, if you're strong in both, you can choose, in which case you've got both, and actually you're in a whole different category of consciousness because you get to choose and play with those polarities. Now, I do also work with women who are in that category, but that's not what this podcast episode is about today. You will typically find as a strong, independent woman that you are drawn to the softness of feminine men because we work so damn hard, and we push ourselves so much, and we've set the bar so high that we're constantly trying to achieve it, constantly trying to reach it and never quite meeting it, and therefore always in this perpetual cycle of..."I'm not there yet,' 'I'm not there yet.""I have to keep going." "I have to keep going." Never letting ourselves rest. The fact that the man can do that, the fact that he's soft and maybe not so driven, and maybe embodies some of the qualities that we don't have, such as relaxation, receptivity, possibly even laziness, possibly even the ability to just relax and chill and to be spacious rather than to have this huge intensity and powerful energy that we have, we're really drawn to men who actually lack that. But the problem with these men is they do not float our boat. Men who take a lot of space in relationship, men who are a bit distant, men who lack intensity are typically avoidant in their attachment style. I'm not going to go into attachment styles today, but it will be something we cover in a future podcast. But men who lack intensity are typically emotionally unavailable. This is not what somebody like you and me wants. We want someone who's intense and deep and open to their emotions and tells us what they're feeling and dives right in! People who are emotionally unavailable and have the avoidant attachment style, which, actually the two are incredibly interlinked, they cannot go deep. They have not yet learned how to go deep. They have not yet learned how to connect with their own emotions, and therefore they feel terribly uncomfortable connecting with our emotions. We will overwhelm people like that. We will frighten them. They will be overwhelmed by our emotions and intensity, and they will run for the hills. So, yes, you will have a relationship with them, but they will continuously abandon you. They will continuously run for the hills, avoid difficult conversations, avoid intense situations and yet be magnetically drawn to you because you have the intensity that they long for. You have the emotional availability that they long for. But they are not the sort of man you want to be in relationship with. So, the softies are never going to work. The avoidants are never going to work. The men that you deeply long to get into relationship with are what I call a Conscious Alpha Man. A conscious alpha man is the leader of the pack. He is the dominant energy in a group, in a team, in his work environment, he is career driven, he is successful, he is powerful. So, the consciousness part is about knowing when to bring their fight energy and when not to, knowing how to communicate, knowing how to be in touch with their emotions, and knowing themselves well enough. that ultimately they know their strengths, they know their weaknesses, they know when to let their guard down, and when they need to actually stand up and fight. This is what I call a Conscious Alpha Male. This is the type of guy that is a perfect match for the strong independent woman. He will meet you in all the ways you want to be met. He will love you in the bedroom like you can only dream about. He will be soft and tender with his touch and he will also light you up. He will be able to hear your emotions and yet not take them on. He will be able to communicate to you his emotions and where he's at. And yet he doesn't want to go into deep, long, lengthy discussions because he is a man's man, and he is more comfortable in his doing, in his career building, in his purpose driven, success oriented ways of life. And you are drawn to this type of man not because of polarity, but because he meets you as an equal energy. Polarity is actually the thing that causes these men to be repelled by our strength, our power, and particularly our fire. I'm going to need to get more water. That's better. So, we are drawn to these men because they are the only type of men that can meet the intensity and power of our energy. But these men are repelled by us...or at least in the long term, they're actually also drawn to the magnetism of our strength and our power. Please, let me correct myself with that. But for reasons which I will explain, they cannot stay with us long term unless we change. The reasons why they cannot stay with us long term is because they are in the yang energy of the polarity. They are in the masculine energy of the polarity, and we want them to be there. But two masculines can't work together. They will only fight. They will only cause conflict. They will only cause combat, continual combat. Can you imagine an army continuously being at war? What's going to happen? If an army is continuously at war, they are going to get exhausted, depleted, worn down. And eventually they will die. This is what happens to your relationship. This is why when you get into a relationship with an alpha male and you fight, and you have combat, and you bicker, and you end up bashing heads over and over again, and you get into big rows, and you blow up, even if you come back to love in between, it is unsustainable because you cannot continuously be at war. You will exhaust and deplete each other's resources, and your own resources, and eventually you will kill the essence of your relationship and the passion. You will actually kill your relationship. Which is why you're able to get into relationship with these men but you cannot keep them. Eventually they leave. I used to be able to get into relationship with these men for anything between a year and two years, and then they would leave because they hit energetic depletion. They could not continually be in the fight with me. And I did not know how to give up the fight. And I didn't want them to give up the fight because I didn't want to be with the softer man. I didn't want to be with a more feminine man. I wanted to be with a masculine man. So how do we make this work, ladies? How do we make this work? This is what I'm here to tell you today. So, polarity... If they are going to embody the masculine pole, which is where we want them because we want them to have... Ultimately, even though we are really strong independent women, what we ultimately crave, which is why we are drawn to the feminine men... We ultimately crave a soft space to rest, and relax, and let our guard down. We crave surrender. But we don't feel safe to surrender with most people and with most situations, right? Because of all the stuff we've been through in our life, because of all the challenges, all the hard times, all of the difficult situations, all of the things that have made us strong. Beautiful qualities to get to. But that is now the thing that is stopping us create the rest of our life, like the Happy Ever After part of our life. So what we are actually deeply craving is the feminine energies. And when we can choose to embody the feminine energies, we polarise the masculine in the alpha male, and we create the most insane, beautiful, explosive chemistry. Good explosive! I mean, sexual chemistry. I mean lust. I mean the ability to bounce off each other, the ability to work as a team, the ability to be harmonious, the ability to be that yin yang symbol, you know, the the symbol of balance. But we have to get into our feminine energies in order to make that work. And that is what I specialise in supporting strong independent women to do... How to drop into their feminine energies. Ultimately, how to let down the defence mechanisms which have done an incredible job of keeping you safe and getting you to where you are, and causing you to be as successful... as incredibly amazing and successful as you have been through life. But they are now stopping you experiencing the feminine energies which are what is going to be the magnetism to make your Happy Ever After relationship with a conscious alpha man work. So let me give you some tips today as to how you can do this for yourself. So, I've got some points written down I'm just looking at ... There are two parts of yourself that you need to work with, or two aspects that you need to work with in order to soften your defences, because ultimately, those defences were created in the past. You don't need them now. You are already a strong, capable, empowered woman. I know you've already done your work because you wouldn't be listening to this podcast already. I know you've already worked a ton on your self esteem, on your self-love, I know you've already worked a ton on starting to get to know the parts of yourself that are causing difficulty in your life. I know you've already done a ton of work on your inner critic, and softening that voice. But there is more to do for you to have this Happy Ever After with the alpha male, the conscious alpha. And there are two main parts which which you're going to need to look at to have this Happy Ever After. Now, I want to be clear. You could potentially... You can definitely get into relationship with other men. You can definitely get into relationship with the soft people pleasers, and you can definitely get into relationship with the avoidant emotionally unavailable, but they're not going to bring you happiness. They're not going to bring you Happy Ever After. They are not going to be sustainable, long term lasting love relationships. The one that you really want is the alpha male. And he is not going to stay with you all the time you are avoiding your feminine, receptive energies. So, the parts that you need to look at in order to get there are... OK, let's speak to the obvious,... the masculine energies which we embody. And I say we because I am totally here with you on this journey. I know this part of you. I know this part of me. The parts that really need to be worked on and to be softened are the parts of you that really need to feel like they're in control at all times, the parts that need to feel like they are leading and guiding, and they know the way and they know how to do things, and "My way is the best way!" and "My standards are the right standards!" Those parts - we need to peel back what is underneath those, what is underneath those that is causing them to be so strong, so much at the forefront, because those are repelling your man. He can't be with those energies. The parts of you that want to go to fight, want to have a shouting fight, an emotionally volatile fight when things get too much, the parts of you that want to explode and erupt like a volcano when things get too much... underneath that is a massive sense of overwhelm. Underneath that is a lack of boundaries. Underneath that is a huge amount of extreme, extensive pressure that you're putting on yourself to be perfect, to be way more than is achievable for any human being, and completely unnecessary levels of perfection, and attainment and achievement, which let me just be clear... Those are what have made you so successful in your life. Those are good qualities to have, but they are bad when you cannot have conscious control over them. So, you need to peel back these layers to get to the pieces that are underneath, which ultimately is your self esteem. I know you've already done a ton of work around that. I know you've already done a ton on your self-love and shifting the negative inner critic. But there is more to do because you're scared of failing, right? You're scared of not mattering, of being a nobody, of being forgotten, of being.. what's the word I'm trying to find... kicked out from the tribe. You're scared of not belonging. And all of this comes down to not truly knowing who you are, and not truly loving and trusting who you are, and trusting that you are enough exactly as you are. The irony being that all of the behaviours, all of this masculine energy that is coming forward, which you think is part of you, it actually isn't part of you. It's all protective behaviour. It's all part of you that is designed to keep safe the underneath parts which are actually tender, hurting, vulnerable and and feeling sad or carrying pain. So, there is work to do to take off those layers of protection, get to the underneath bits and start to work with them and heal them. And this is exactly what I do in Enchanted Academy For Love. So let's go to the other angle, the other aspect. I spoke of two aspects. One is these very strong masculine energies. The other is the underdeveloped feminine energies, the underdeveloped yin energies. Now, this presents in strong independent women as an inability to rest, an inability to relax, an inability to just be and not do, an inability to receive. So, how this presents is... Somebody pays you a compliment. You push it away, you deny it or you say, "Oh, it's nothing." Somebody says, "Hey, I love your hair!""Oh, I didn't style it today." Or they compliment you on your dress."Oh, this this old thing?" You're batting away the compliment. You're batting away the love. You're rejecting, actually, love. You're not receiving it and letting it in, which is part of the feminine yin receptive energy. So work on your ability to trust and allow yourself to rely on people. Let go of your hyper-independence. Now, I say these things like they're really easy to do. They're not. Which is why I've set up an entire academy to support women to do this. What I want to say is, part of this hyper-independence

is a protection mechanism:

"I can do it all myself so that I never have to rely on anyone,""so that I never have to experience disappointment,""so that I never have to get hurt again." It's a protective mechanism. It's done amazing. It's kept you safe. It's got you to where you are now. But right now it is stopping you having happy, everlasting love. So it needs to go. The hyper-independence needs to go, but it can only go if you address the fears that are underneath it. One of the ways that hyper-independence shows up is a desire to do it all by yourself, the inability to ask for help, the inability to trust that another not only can help you, but would help you. So typically, women that are strong and independent, and have this hyper-independence, don't want to hire a coach, don't see the value of hiring a coach because, "I'm so strong and independent, I can do it all myself." But this is the exact protective mechanism that you need to deconstruct to be able to get to the fears that are underneath, which is where your softness, your vulnerability and your femininity is. Let me say that again. Your desire to do this all by yourself, your desire to not want to have a coach to help you, to not want to invest in yourself, to dare to rely on a coach, such as myself... dare to rely on me that I might actually love you and accept all of who you are, and support you, and nourish you, and hold your hand, and show you the way, and actually truly get you to where you want to be. Your inability to trust in that, and rely on that, and to believe in that, is the exact mechanism that you need to deconstruct in order to find your feminine, yin, receptive energies. You can't do that alone because your desire to do it alone is the exact thing that you need to start deconstructing. Do you see the loop there? When you can learn to receive help, when you can learn to ask for help and accept help, you are finally learning to receive. You are finally feeling worthy of receiving, and you are finally allowing yourself to open and let down some of your defence mechanisms, and open your energy to be receptive. Which is what...? What is receptive energy? It's yin - right? It's the feminine energy. It's the exact energy that your conscious alpha man is looking for. What else do I want to share with you... Until you learn to receive, and until you can open yourself into relaxation, into receptivity, into being and relaxing and just being okay with not doing, remembering that doing is masculine energy and being is feminine energy. When you can let yourself be without doing, you will open your energetic field to the most magnificent, mind blowing, euphoric, exceptional love. You will open yourself to a man who wants to protect you and provide for you. And it is in his integrity to do so. But only if you let him. There's no space for a man to show up in the provider archetype if you are doing everything for yourself. If you are so busy being self sufficient and hyper-independent that you have got everything covered, there is no space for an alpha man to provide for you. His services are redundant and he will feel it, and he will not want to be in a space where his gifts are unappreciated. Equally, if you have always got every single corner of everything covered, there is no space for the alpha man to protect you, and to have your back, and to work with you as a team because you're so busy having all of the areas, all of the areas of the team, that there's no space for him to show up. He will never choose to be in a relationship where the gifts that he brings have no space to excel, no space to thrive and to show up and to be appreciated. You need to create the space for him to show up, because otherwise he will just take his beautiful protector provider gifts and he will go give them to somebody who's already in their feminine energy, who can receive them, and who wants to, and who will give him space to show up in his protector, and give him space to show up in his provider. There's so much more I could talk to about this. And I'm going to start to bring this to a close. If you are dominant in your masculine energies, you are going to be calling in and attracting feminine men. You're also going to be drawn to the feminine men because they embody the feminine pole which you do not have access to. And so you are drawn to them because some part of your psyche recognises,"I want that. I want what they have." But the truth is, you want it inside of yourself. You don't want it outside of yourself. You don't want it in a man you're dating. You want it inside of yourself so you can give it to yourself. What you want in the man you're dating is a beautiful, sexy, conscious alpha man with strong masculine energy who is going to meet you on every single level of your being, who is going to be equal and opposite to your energies. But the difficult truth that we are here on this journey to learn is that whilst we embody the masculine pole, the masculine in the alpha man is going to be repelled by us. The masculine in the alpha man is drawn and seeking the feminine, and until we learn to embody the yin energies, the feminine energies, we will continue to be a source of combat, exhaustion, of depletion, of eventual loss of relationship with the masculine man. The ways in which we are embodying the masculine pole are all the areas that make us incredibly good at what we do. So you don't want to lose these completely because it makes you incredibly good at your job. It makes you successful. It's the reason why you're successful, why you've earned good money, why you've become dominant in your field. But you need to learn to choose when you step into these energies. You don't want to have them as your default behaviour that you can't switch off, and you can't tune out of. So, these energies are your leadership, your dominance, the areas where you control, the areas where you have structure and discipline, the areas that you drive yourself forward with force, the areas where you're goal driven, where you're doing, where you're constantly in a state of doing. The feminine energies which you want to embody, which you want to get better at are rest, surrender about energetic submission to whatever is going on, trusting that the universe has got your back and it's working for your highest good. Trusting that whatever happens and plays out is actually the exact right thing that needed to play out for you to learn the lesson that you needed to learn so that you can go on the growth journey that you needed to go on so that you can get to the place that you're trying to get to. Everything is actually working for you, not against you. This is the surrender, and the trust is the feminine energies. And when we can truly embody these, and when we can choose when to be in our masculine energies. And when we can not fight, and not try to control, and not try to lead our alpha man, who naturally is a dominant leader, that's that's exactly what alpha means, right? Alpha is the dominant leader. The reason why we're so drawn to him is because actually, we want to be in our feminine, receptive energies. We want a space to relax and rest, and let down our guard, and surrender, and have somebody take care of us, and have somebody provide for us, and protect for us, but we need to let him be the man that he is for that to happen. We need to let him be the leader, let him be the dominant one in the relationship. If you fight that, he will leave. If you are someone who challenges his dominance, and challenges his place as the leader in that relationship, he will eventually get tired of the dynamics and go find an easier relationship to be in. Because when we eventually show up with an open heart, when we've done our work to take down our defences so we can open up with an open, loving, generous heart, be in our vulnerability, be in our softness, when we can yield and surrender, trust and relax,

then what that looks like in relationship with a conscious alpha man is:

him looking after you like an absolute queen, him opening up his emotional side to share with you what's going on for him because you're a safe space for him to do that, him getting closer to you, him wanting more of you, him loving you in all the ways that you want to be loved, him recognising that you are in this together, that not only does he have your back, but you have his back. You are not an enemy to be fought. You are an ally, and a resource. And a source of love, nourishment, fun, play, pleasure, joy, sexuality, safety, nourishment, support. And he will start to see a future with you. When this dynamic plays out in relationship, he will only have eyes for you because you are everything that he wants. He wants a strong, independent woman who knows how to surrender and let him lead. So what I am here to tell you, ladies, is that the work is absolutely worth it. For you to take the time and energy and effort required to explore yourself, to peel back these layers of protection which have served you incredibly well, but you don't need them anymore, they're from your past. They're not part of your future. You don't even need them now in your present. And if you feel like you do still need them, then come work with us at Enchanted Academy For Love. We'll support you to embody your own, healthy, inner masculine, so that you can open your own, healthy, feminine. Again, you also need that yin yang balance within yourself so that you can have your own back, so that you can have your boundaries, you can speak up for yourself, you can ultimately take care of yourself so that you feel safe to open yourself, trust, and allow a man to lead you. If there's any woman listening to this podcast right now, and you're like, "I don't ever want a man to lead me!"- that is a protective reaction that you are having. There is some part of you that doesn't trust that a man will have integrity, that a man will have your highest good at the forefront of his intentions. There is some part of you that probably for very, very good reasons has experienced that not to be the case. But I want to tell you that is the case when you choose correctly, And, again, this is something we teach in Enchanted Academy For Love... How to choose, how to have your standards in the right place, to choose the man that is going to treat you like an absolute queen, not a princess, because you're no longer a princess, you are going to be stepping into Queen territory and you're going to meet your King. So that's where I'm going to leave it today. This has been the first episode of The Enchanted Love Podcast, and I am so excited to bring you the rest of the material. The future episodes, which are coming... Episode number 2 - we're going to be looking at why men need to feel respected. What is that whole thing about? Episode 3 - we're going to be looking at your energetic resonance. And just because you are not saying how you feel, does not mean that he cannot feel how you feel. So, the imperative of clearing your energy field so that you are not just pretending, you're not just doing all the actions, you are actually living it from a space of energetic alignment. That's going to be Episode 3. Episode 4 is going to be called Let's Talk About Anger. We're going to be looking at our fiery temperament, the temperament that can come out and burn people down, right? Yes, it's a protective behaviour. Yes, it has served us incredibly well through the years. And it has no place being in a relationship with a conscious alpha man. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being open and receptive to what I'm teaching. Please do like, subscribe and share to get this message out there so that ultimately more women can have their Happy Ever After. Because that's exactly what this channel is all about. If you've got any questions or comments, check us out on YouTube, The Enchanted Love Podcast. You can leave questions or comments there, and we will read those. I hope you have enjoyed this episode. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next one.[Outro music]